Anyway finally got chance to finish post after many years.. thanks to blog spot keeping drafts more than 5 years..
Life has been changed a lot since college days when I started writing post. Now it seems I am completely different person.. Umm.. biologically its true as in every 7 years every single tissue gets died and replaced by new one.. but I was talking about psychologically also I am different person.
Leaving behind the crap lets focus on what this post about, Now I don't think details matter but Kolkata we went for some secrete reason of black magic, now I do not believe in magic as its all about doing tricks using scientific advancements or making mazes of illusion.
My mom does believes that time that father is influenced by some black magic which can only be cured by another black magic.. blah blah blah.... then only father will get rid of some stupid Muslim women's living in neighbour hood.
so she took of her children got excuse of going home town to visit her mom and dad and father was already in mood to kick us out for at least couple of month to enjoy honeymoon. For me its was nonsense even that time I never believed anything like black or white magic will help but she was innocent women born and raised in a typical Indian village and never saw school, all her understanding of society was from hearing from her mom's stories or other women she could have interacted in here life span. what ever she could do she did tried one or other way. I respect and love her for her determination. I believe a fully educated woman will not suffer the amount of torture she faced in her life span, but that's typical Indian woman who is not safe in society without a man. some way old marriages were stable but that too because society was not safe for free woman or divorced woman. We Indian men have created bad society for women, but its okay no one to blame its evolution took place that way, and happy to witness and be the part of change happing in India.
So somehow mom managed to ask her brother to leave her to Kolkata and then finally we made it to go to house of younger brother of grand father. Finally after few months of following saints and mullas finally something happen or she believed it. Not that time but now I could only make out that father become unhealthy of not having proper food and pleaded to come all of us. First of for her it was unlikely to get such request and second she was following saints so there was no other reason for her to believe in or think anything beyond.
For me turned out to study same class again as I was away for more than 6 months and there was no good reason to promote me to next class. Neither parents do not had understanding and motivation to fight against school head's decision of not promoting.
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