moments to remember..........
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Monday, December 15, 2014
A Personal Perspective....
what we think we know very well may be an illusion created around by self driven rules emerged from personal understanding and by observing from our senses, off course usually we continue do believe till finding comfortable explaining unknowns. Perhaps its illusion everywhere in everything we know. People who had got little better understanding than others did created or initiated some kind of practices to make society better than forest, gradually those practices spread and turned into culture, civilizations off course there must have been constant evolution in everything. We humans have achieved highest level of understanding among other creatures. we have created numerous religions with precise details which satisfy most of believers, sometimes does over satisfies and followers become enemy for those who disagree. Seems no religion, practices could be able to satisfy a soul who unfortunately fortunate to have such level of understanding to question the existence. Not even scientific practices which does more precise observations of surroundings would be able to explain ever, and doesn't help removing scepticism even if it does explains with all logical sequence of events with high level of certainty in repeatability. From other perspective there is no reason to reject any mean of seeking the unknowns whether it is some religious practice or some scientific equations, ultimately the truth is that we don't know what it is. And it should be understood that any way to explain it could be merely speculation. Good thing is that there is curiosity among us to know the unknowns slowly it will lead to better understanding.
Thursday, December 11, 2014
what really matter's how we have spent time.
Two mates in one team, one is answering questions which brought up by the host and the other one will go into a room to pick up various goods provided by the TV station. But only after her partner completes answering the question and within very limited time, like 30 seconds. The choosen goods by mate should resembles to the answer and they are not allowed to communicate by words during the rounds. The rule of continuing in the game is that in any round either,
1. answer is correct and chosen goods is also correct,
2. only answer is correct,
3. only chosen goods is correct,
This way it puts equal dependency one who is answering by words and other partner who is choosing goods, so its fun with some added value of goods but requires good co-ordination.
The first team two women, both looks Chinese were colleague for 1 years. They blame each other in every round because they both did not perform well, they could manage to go through the first 2 rounds with pretty tough steps, when it came to the third round, they failed to continue further on the game. So these two women left the stage, and they gained nothing.
The second team was a couples, no matter whose mistake during the games they just comfort each other visually and by words between rounds saying she/he is the best. They also did failed to continue in the game beyond four rounds. Encouragement plays a magnificent role in the life.
Here if we think on the time spent by both teams in the game was almost same, but second team has given a better message they have spent better time during this. what is the point spending time unhappily.
Tuesday, December 09, 2014
summer of 1997........
Anyway finally got chance to finish post after many years.. thanks to blog spot keeping drafts more than 5 years..
Life has been changed a lot since college days when I started writing post. Now it seems I am completely different person.. Umm.. biologically its true as in every 7 years every single tissue gets died and replaced by new one.. but I was talking about psychologically also I am different person.
Leaving behind the crap lets focus on what this post about, Now I don't think details matter but Kolkata we went for some secrete reason of black magic, now I do not believe in magic as its all about doing tricks using scientific advancements or making mazes of illusion.
My mom does believes that time that father is influenced by some black magic which can only be cured by another black magic.. blah blah blah.... then only father will get rid of some stupid Muslim women's living in neighbour hood.
so she took of her children got excuse of going home town to visit her mom and dad and father was already in mood to kick us out for at least couple of month to enjoy honeymoon. For me its was nonsense even that time I never believed anything like black or white magic will help but she was innocent women born and raised in a typical Indian village and never saw school, all her understanding of society was from hearing from her mom's stories or other women she could have interacted in here life span. what ever she could do she did tried one or other way. I respect and love her for her determination. I believe a fully educated woman will not suffer the amount of torture she faced in her life span, but that's typical Indian woman who is not safe in society without a man. some way old marriages were stable but that too because society was not safe for free woman or divorced woman. We Indian men have created bad society for women, but its okay no one to blame its evolution took place that way, and happy to witness and be the part of change happing in India.
So somehow mom managed to ask her brother to leave her to Kolkata and then finally we made it to go to house of younger brother of grand father. Finally after few months of following saints and mullas finally something happen or she believed it. Not that time but now I could only make out that father become unhealthy of not having proper food and pleaded to come all of us. First of for her it was unlikely to get such request and second she was following saints so there was no other reason for her to believe in or think anything beyond.
For me turned out to study same class again as I was away for more than 6 months and there was no good reason to promote me to next class. Neither parents do not had understanding and motivation to fight against school head's decision of not promoting.
Sunday, November 09, 2014
Sunday, November 02, 2014
Random thoughts
after looking at the advertisement my first mild reaction was like why the hell they need fairness cream, most of the ladies look fair enough here in Singapore, I understand there are different cosmetic products for different group of ladies but this one was related to fairness that was the reason it looked odd to me at first glance and even the lady face profile on front page doesn't seems there is any more possibility to make it more white.
Leaving all the details behind my friends reaction on my comment was the reason that made me write this blog post, don't know from which part of his head he pulled out a random thought and saying me people try to look white like American people because USA people are most successful,. I was like what the fuck!! how he can relate this to USA people's prosperity with the action of human very basic desire to look fair and white. people living in remote areas also do wash their faces and few apply cosmetic cream to look fair. Some people in remote areas never know there is a country named USA but still they do try to look as fair as they could there are lots of factors for human to look white and I believe those are more personal than some countries prosperity. May be he thinks this way because his personal desires might be relating him this way. After giving example of remote poor people actions to wash face and try to look clean, on this he tried to give chaos theory example, we never know an action could be indirectly affected by another action that might happen several years ago on completely unrelated location, blah blah blah.. some time its better to realize that arguing can not be alsways the best way to resolve conflicts.
Monday, June 06, 2011
Still not ready to believe………..
How I came to this position, working as a software engineer in a multinational company, its not only the matter of time, its not the only the due to luck, then what is this……
when ever I remember my past days, I forget who I am and its takes some time to believe the current life.
I born in a village, where normally people learn to grow seeds, they love to go to the fields rather than school. spends many years of my child life and learn those things,
my word may comprise but I am not praising my self, I am not saying I was a very intelligent or very hard worker. I am also not lucky enough, though I got so good career, good society and lots of caring friends. if i remember the past it seems like some one is always with me helping me one or other way providing opportunities, don’t know who may be its my perception may be God.
Sunday, June 05, 2011
trip to tirupati..
next day when i was returning to Hyderabad I experienced good nature of Andhra Pradesh people, my train wasn't having pantry and i wasn't aware of this. So i was expecting hungry night, but a family was having plenty of food and they shared among the people, and no one doubt or denied to accept their offering, generally in north side its little strange no body will accept such food related offering in train due to crimes. So i too enjoyed their delicious food.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
The last day at college......

I didn't get splendor to go into the room which I left a few hours ago. I got first time feeling like that.
Sunday, May 02, 2010
Bananas and Monkeys

Inside the cage, hang a banana on a string and place a set of stairs under it. Before long, a monkey will go to the stairs and start to climb towards the banana. As soon as he touches the stairs, spray all of the other monkeys with cold water.
After a while, another monkey makes an attempt with the same result - all the other monkeys are sprayed with cold water. Pretty soon, when another monkey tries to climb the stairs, the other monkeys will try to prevent it.
Now, put away the cold water. Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new one. The new monkey sees the banana and wants to climb the stairs. To his surprise and horror, all of the other monkeys attack him.
After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs, he will be assaulted.
Next, remove another of the original five monkeys and replace it with a new one. The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer takes part in the punishment with enthusiasm! Likewise, replace a third original monkey with a new one, then a fourth, then the fifth. Every time the newest monkey takes to the stairs, he is attacked.
Most of the monkeys that are beating him have no idea why they were not permitted to climb the stairs or why they are participating in the beating of the newest monkey.
After replacing all the original monkeys, none of the remaining monkeys have ever been sprayed with cold water. Nevertheless, no monkey ever again approaches the stairs to try for the banana. Why not? Because as far as they know that's the way it's always been done round here.
And that, my friends, is how policies are madeSunday, March 28, 2010
Tour of Dehradoon
*The rule may have exceptions.
Around 12:00 AM we were in Pratab gadh, the city of DoDo, a great person in Indian History(actually updation is pending). This creature(Jantu) has some different properties which you can find only within him. You will never forgot him if you have got some problem, he is only guy who loves helping people(Don't cry). Thanks Uncle and Aunti (the parents of DoDo) for lunch and chocolates, we had a nice lunch there.
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
pine k baad..

daru pine k baad bole jane vale kuch common sentence
1. Tu to Mera bhai hai...bhai !!!
2. You know i am not drunk...
3. Gaadi mein Chalaunga...
5. Tu bura mat maann bhai...
6. Mai teri Dil Se Izzat Karta hu...
7. Abe bol daal aaj usko, aar yaa paar....
8. Aaj saali Chad nahi rahi hai kya baat hai??
9. Tu Kya samajh raha hai mujhe chad gayi hai...
10. Ye mat samajh ki peeke bol raha hu...
11. Abe yaar kahin kam to nahi padegi itnee...
12. Chhote, Ek Ek Chhota aur ho Jae...lovely waala !!!
13. Baap ko mat Sikhao…
14. Yaar magar tune mera dil tod diya...
15. Kuchh bhi hai par saala Bhai hai Apna...
16. Tu Bolna Bhai, kya chahiye...Jaan chahiye hazir hai ???
17. Abe mere ko aaj tak nahi Chadee...shart laga saala aaj tu..
18. Chal teri baat karata hoon usse, phone number de uska...
19. Saale teri bhabhie hai wo…bhabie ki nazar se dekh usko…
20. Yaar tu samjha kar.. wo tere layak nahi hai…
21. chal bhai tu kah raha hai to tere liye chodh diya usko.. aaj se wo teri…bana issi baat par ek – ek aur peg !!!
22. Tujhe kya lagta hai chadh gayi hai... abhi ek full aur khatam kar sakta hun…
The best one...
23. Yaar aaj uski bahut yaad aa rahi hai
And Finally...
24. Salla... aaj se daru band...............!!!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Bad times.........

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
what kind of person "I" is.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
My first phone call........

In 1995 my father told me to call my maternal and tell him that we are coming on next festival(perhaps it was diwali). That was really exciting job for me, since i never touched the reciever before. My father used to operate phones of office but he don't have any idea of call rates, so he gave me Rs 50 for this purpose. I with one of my childhood friend went to a PCO, in the way we have discussed about full forms of the PCO and STD both of us are not sure, but i gussed too many as i think i am a good in that. finally we decided to ask it to the shop keeper. As we went the shop my friend asked what is the full form of your shop, at first he didn't understand and pushed out, As soon as he understand he took in and behave as good as a gentleman behaves to a student. I was nervous when got phone to call my maternal uncle. I was little afraid about the charges, some thoughts are coming like call may cost more than fifty, I may not able to hear the person, may be he or she would take me as a fool. I don't even know how to dial phone number. I was shame to say please dial for me to the operator. The ring started, my heart beat increased proportionally. The sweet voice touched the diaframe of my ear. The sweetness doesn't realized to me at the moment. I was already nervous a female voice made the situation worse , I forgot what to say. I was silent for next 5-7 seconds. Then the word "Hello" comes from the other side. I started saying what I had to very quickly and abruptly since I was afraid of the cost of call may exceeds Rs 50. I thought that she couldn't hear me properly so I repeated my words thrice. This was really funny. She told that she got my words then I felt like victory. After that she asked for anything else, I thought for a moment and replied No. she might have cut the connection but i was still waiting for bye. when no replies came, I put the receiver and looked at the LCD displaying the time taken and seconds. I was looking at this first time, It was 1 minute and 29 seconds I took the seconds as the total cost of the call, and gave him Rs 30 (3 notes of Rs 10). he took all the money and but my friend standing just behind me noticed my mistake and correct the right moment. After that we had first time party in a sweet shop by steeling from money given to me for the call.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Story of an early morning........................

According to an ancient Sanskrit epic Mahābhārata the wife of the Pandavas (Draupadi), worshipping the sun, which was believed to help cure a variety of diseases, including leprosy, and ensure longevity and prosperity of family members, friends, and elders. In addition, it is believed that Chhath was started by Karna, the son of Surya, who became a great warrior.
So what happened that day is goes like this my mother had forgotten to take Aggarbatti, she told me to search for some shop and take some Aggarbatti. It was about 4 o'clock in the morning. this was really unpleasant work for me since i was little young to go alone in the dark fogy night. Any how I have to go so I started from there. I tried for good thoughts but you know what ever you try on such situation ultimately leads to same thing which you are trying to avoid. Suddenly I saw a fully dressed girl, I am sure she had put on all kind of ornaments which is available for a women in the market. At first sight I thanked God as I got someone on the road, since I was alone there. I was little happy and tried to reach slowly but couldn't since she was walking with same speed as I was. As usual her ornaments were making lovely sounds. I forgotten all the fear of fogy and deep black night(it was really night for me). But suddenly some thoughts came in mind, you don't believe I got remember all the horror stories told by grand ma. That time I was really fainted, earlier I was trying to reach to her and it seemed that distance between us increasing, now it seemed that it is decreasing as i was trying to get away form her. I didn't understand what to do. I started praying, then she turned to left and I to right and started running. Then what........
Nothing, I got a shop and took what ever I need and came back from other way. That incident was really funny but it was remembered for long time.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The story of names........

Further I was sifted in village for some time. There i got some nick name like bauwa, babu.
my grand ma used to call me babu, and villagers used to call me bauwa. There no one knows me except my family members by Ranjeet. Some people called me sudha inspired by "Budha" and my nature as I was not very aggressive for anything like other childs for the things like sweet, toys or any childish. My grand ma always worry that how I will survive in this world and always suggested me to improve me otherwise people will cheat you. One girl used to call me pardeshiya, as I got a light affair with her and since i lived far from my village for a long time. She was really gorgeous and kind(she is no more).
After that I came to Kanpur again and started my study from 5th standard(A long jump). That was very hard time for me to manage, any how I had to. some of my class mate used to call me by my father's name since there was one other person having same name so my class teacher wrote my name followed by my father's name in attendance sheet. I made several friend and results some new name for me. Some of my friend used to called me Baasu inspired by Ranjeet baasu, a nice character in the serial YUG(on doordarshan), it was the story of Indian freedom fighters. Some of my friends used to call me Rajju Bhaiya as i looks little elder among the members in my group. Some of my school friend used to call me Dr. Jackal inspired from Saktiman serial it was due an accident happened during an experiment in chemistry lab. Some of them call me padhaku, since I was the topper in my school. My play mate used to call me jonty roads as i was the best fielder in our cricket team (One member of this team Mr. Sunil Tripathi is currently a national level player). In the college (IIT-BHU), my friends call me Don, named by my room mate Mr. Pawan Kumar and he was named Machhar on the basis of some similarties(bhinnn).
Sunday, August 16, 2009
a village story..........
My grand Ma told me to go as i was single man was found her that will not say to her No. Other boys in my grand family(there was not more than 40 people at that time, it may have been doubled now) are not so obeying and i was also considered as a kind of fool which never heart any one by telling him No. As usual i was prepared to go with nice suit(Its a village suit which was necessary if you are going to attend a village marriage as a representative).
As it was my first time for such situation i was also internally happy but not showing them so that i could get a kind of feeling which very few people can understand.
I started to the destination by foot as it was not too far, i took the way from the fields(applied shortest path algorithm) and reached the destination. I personally experienced that what ever you are expecting will never happen in time. It was cloudy day i was expecting to rain but it didn't rain until i reached the destination. Now i got a serious problem as it was a fully loaded cloud and it seems that it got its destination too. It didn't stop until nothing left on the spot to be look like marriage ceremony. Situation was to worse to say. In typical village marriage, i have noticed a "pandal" which also called "maando" in bhojpuru language, usually is made by bamboo and some other grass materials
to be continue...........
Koi deewana kehta hain koi pagal samjhta hai,
magar dharti ki bechaini ko bas badal samjhta hai,
Main tujhse dur kaisa hu,tu mujhse dur kaisi hai,
Yeh tera dil samjhta hai ya mera dil samjhta hai
These are really touching lines from Dr. Kumar Vishwas, a great Hindi poet.

The world's most popular indoor game, has different name in different regions. What ever the name is who care about the name only thing is that i enjoyed this game. This game has most important virtue which can not be expressed in words. It keeps the family members close enough to care & share each other. Its not strategic game like chess etc. This involves a noble mental and physical activity.
That make it most popular. The female members doesn't have much capability or infact interest of thinking so they used to keep a distance from the chess, but they like the carrom since it does not required good processor