In 1995 my father told me to call my maternal and tell him that we are coming on next festival(perhaps it was diwali). That was really exciting job for me, since i never touched the reciever before. My father used to operate phones of office but he don't have any idea of call rates, so he gave me Rs 50 for this purpose. I with one of my childhood friend went to a PCO, in the way we have discussed about full forms of the PCO and STD both of us are not sure, but i gussed too many as i think i am a good in that. finally we decided to ask it to the shop keeper. As we went the shop my friend asked what is the full form of your shop, at first he didn't understand and pushed out, As soon as he understand he took in and behave as good as a gentleman behaves to a student. I was nervous when got phone to call my maternal uncle. I was little afraid about the charges, some thoughts are coming like call may cost more than fifty, I may not able to hear the person, may be he or she would take me as a fool. I don't even know how to dial phone number. I was shame to say please dial for me to the operator. The ring started, my heart beat increased proportionally. The sweet voice touched the diaframe of my ear. The sweetness doesn't realized to me at the moment. I was already nervous a female voice made the situation worse , I forgot what to say. I was silent for next 5-7 seconds. Then the word "Hello" comes from the other side. I started saying what I had to very quickly and abruptly since I was afraid of the cost of call may exceeds Rs 50. I thought that she couldn't hear me properly so I repeated my words thrice. This was really funny. She told that she got my words then I felt like victory. After that she asked for anything else, I thought for a moment and replied No. she might have cut the connection but i was still waiting for bye. when no replies came, I put the receiver and looked at the LCD displaying the time taken and seconds. I was looking at this first time, It was 1 minute and 29 seconds I took the seconds as the total cost of the call, and gave him Rs 30 (3 notes of Rs 10). he took all the money and but my friend standing just behind me noticed my mistake and correct the right moment. After that we had first time party in a sweet shop by steeling from money given to me for the call.